Dataset consisting of public documents and media data: Texts of the editorial pages of Helsingin Sanomat concerning ageing during 2000-2015, municipal strategies for older people of 26 municipalities/ federations of municipalities from 2020 to 2021

Kiuru, Hilla. (2024). Dataset consisting of public documents and media data: Texts of the editorial pages of Helsingin Sanomat concerning ageing during 2000-2015, municipal strategies for older people of 26 municipalities/ federations of municipalities from 2020 to 2021. V. 1.9.2021. University of Jyväskylä.

JYU authors
  • Contact person (yes/no)Yes

All authorsKiuru, Hilla

FundersFaculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


Availability and identifiers

AvailabilityAccess request

Publication year2024

URN identifier in original repository

DOI identifier in original repository

URN identifier in JYX

DOI identifier in JYX

Description of the dataset

DescriptionThe dataset consists of two separate datasets. One of them is the dataset consisting of texts from the editorial pages of Helsingin Sanomat from the years of 2000-2015. The texts are about ageing. Among the texts are both editorials and "Kolumni" [Column] and "Merkintöjä" [Remarks] texts that are published on the editorial pages. "Muut lehdet" [Other journals] and "Vieraskynä" [Guest columinist] texts are left out. The dataset has been collected with the help of following search words (or syllables): Ikä, ikääntyminen and vanheneminen (ikä*, iä*, ik*, i ́i*, vanh*) and työura, eläke, voimavara, vapaaehtois-, ja seniori (työur*, eläk*, voimavar*, vapaaeht* and senior*). Altogether there are 1577 texts, some of the texts might be only loosely connected to the topic of ageing. For the author´s (or collector´s) purpose, the data was narrowed down first to 848 texts (with the help of research literature concerning active ageing and Active Ageing Index (AAI, Active Ageing Index Home)). Those texts were more connected to the author´s research topic, active ageing. Also texts that were not situated in Finland and texts in which ageing was only mentioned were cut off. After this, 386 texts were chosen for closer analysis with Foucauldian discourse analysis (Willig 2013). These texts were chosen because active ageing was presented in them aptly and in a versatile way. Author´s publication is based on those 386 texts.

The other dataset consists of municipal strategies for older people of 26 municipalities/federations of municipalities. The strategies were collected during autumn-winter of 2020-2021 with the help of Google. The strategies have been collected from municipalities of different size and from all over Finland. The strategies were searched from Google with the following search words (for example): "ikääntymispoliittinen strategia", "vanhuspoliittinen strategia" and "ikäpoliittinen ohjelma". Four of these 26 texts were more closely analysed with new rhetoric (Perelman & Olbrechts-Tyteca 1971).


Free keywordsageing; editorial texts; municipal strategies for older people

Keywords (YSO)ageingold age policyleading articles

Fields of science520 Other social sciences

Do you deal with data concerning special categories of personal data in your research?No

Publications and other outputs related to dataset

Last updated on 2024-12-09 at 18:57