JYFL-ACCLAB-JM37: Isospin symmetry towards the proton dripline: Isobaric analogue states in the A=29 quartet

Auranen, Kalle; Pakarinen, Janne; Greenlees, Paul; Kokkonen, Henna; Julin, Rauno; Uusitalo, Juha; Grahn, Tuomas; Rahkila, Panu; Leino, Matti; Saren, Jan; Joukainen, Henna; Ruotsalainen, Panu et al. (2024). JYFL-ACCLAB-JM37: Isospin symmetry towards the proton dripline: Isobaric analogue states in the A=29 quartet. V. 23.11.2023. University of Jyväskylä. https://doi.org/10.23729/ee2b8655-55ce-42b3-b3af-914d96d5769d.

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All authorsAuranen, Kalle; Pakarinen, Janne; Greenlees, Paul; Kokkonen, Henna; Julin, Rauno; Uusitalo, Juha; Grahn, Tuomas; Rahkila, Panu; Leino, Matti; Saren, Jan; Joukainen, Henna; Ruotsalainen, Panu; Jutila, Henri; Louko, Jussi; Bogdanoff, Ville; Uusikylä, Eetu; Ha, Jeongsu; Lenzi, Silvia; Chadderton, Jamie; Recchia, Francesco; Kim, Sunji; Jang, Youngseub ; Park, Chaeyeon ; Benito Garcia, Jaime ; McCarter, Adam; Carollo, Sara; Rezynkina, Kseniia ; Aguilera, Pablo ; Escudeiro, Rafael ; Bentley, Mike

Contact informationjyfl-acclab-data@jyu.fi

FundersResearch Council of FinlandEuropean Commission



Availability and identifiers

AvailabilityDirect download (Embargo date30/11/2025)

Publication year2024

DOI identifier in original repositoryhttps://doi.org/10.23729/ee2b8655-55ce-42b3-b3af-914d96d5769d

Description of the dataset

DescriptionExperiment used 20Ne + 12C --> 3n + 29S reaction, which was working nicely at MARA - no backscattering problems encountered. The beta-delayed proton decays from 29S were observed at the MARA focal plane shortly after the experiment started. This allowed the production rate to be investigated and optimized in terms of the beam energy: data was collected with the following beam energy [MeV]/target thickness [mg/cm2] combinations: 140/2 (~24 h), 125/2 (~24 h), 125/0.7 (~96 h), 145/0.7 (~24 h). At the end of the beam time, the beta-delayed proton tagged JUROGAM 3 spectrum showed at least 5 gamma-ray peaks originating from 29S and 3 of these were new transitions. This experiment used about 7 days of beam time but would have definitely benefitted from another week of beam time to improve the statistics.


Free keywordsnuclear spectroscopy; recoil-decay tagging; isospin-symmetry breaking

Keywords (YSO)nuclear physics

Fields of science114 Physical sciences

Follow-up groupsAccelerator Laboratory (Department of Physics PHYS, JYFL) JYFL-ACCLABAccelerator and Subatomic Physics (University of Jyväskylä JYU)

Do you deal with data concerning special categories of personal data in your research?No

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Last updated on 2024-06-06 at 15:27