Aineisto julkaisuun: "Direct and indirect effects of chemical pollution: Fungicides alter growth, feeding, and pigmentation of the freshwater detritivore Asellus aquaticus"

Kalathil Parambil, Akshay; Räsänen, Katja; Matthews, Blake. (2024). Dataset supporting the publication: "Direct and indirect effects of chemical pollution: Fungicides alter growth, feeding, and pigmentation of the freshwater detritivore Asellus aquaticus". V. 1.4.2024. University of Jyväskylä.

  • Yhteyshenkilö (kyllä/ei)Kyllä
  • Yhteyshenkilö (kyllä/ei)Ei

Kaikki tekijätKalathil Parambil, Akshay; Räsänen, Katja; Matthews, Blake

RahoittajatJyväskylän yliopisto


Saatavuus ja tunnisteet

SaatavuustietoLadattavissa verkosta

Aineiston julkaisuvuosi2024

URN-tunniste alkuperäisessä julkaisupaikassa

DOI-tunniste alkuperäisessä julkaisupaikassa

URN-tunniste JYXissä

DOI-tunniste JYXissä

Aineiston kuvailu

KuvausGeneral information:
Title of the Paper: "Direct and Indirect Effects of Fungicides on Growth, Feeding, and Pigmentation of the Freshwater Detritivore Asellus aquaticus"
Authors: Akshay Mohan, Blake Matthews, Katja Räsänen
Date of Data Collection: July 2022 - October 2022
Funder: University of Jyväskylä
Publication Date: 15.10.2024
DOI of the Associated Paper: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2024.117017

Overview of the Dataset:
This dataset comprises two primary files used in the analysis of fungicide effects on Asellus aquaticus:
Rangefinding.csv: The file contains results from a range-finding experiment where three fungicides were tested at different concentrations.
Tebuconazole-Expt.csv: The file ncludes results from the direct and indirect exposure experiment, where Asellus aquaticus was exposed to Tebuconazole through both water and diet.

Data Files and Structure:
The file “Rangefinding.csv” contains the results of the range-finding study. It has the following columns:
Number: Unique identifier for each entry.
Image_name: Filename of the image taken for each isopod.
Plate_number: Identifier for the experimental plate used.
Fungicide: The type of fungicide used (e.g., Tebuconazole).
Concentration: Fungicide concentration (µg/L).
Initial_size, Final_size: Measured body length in cm (using FIJI v1.54d) of individuals before and after exposure.
Growth_rate: Calculated growth over the study.
Initial_leaf_area, Final_leaf_area: Measured area of leaf discs in mm2 (using FIJI v1.54d) before and after exposure.
Feeding_rate: Rate of leaf consumption during the study.
Survival: Binary (1 = alive, 0 = dead).

The file “Tebuconazole final data mod.csv” contains results from the direct and indirect exposure study. It has the following columns:
Number: Unique identifier for each entry.
Image_name: Filename of the image taken for each isopod.
Plate_number: Identifier for the experimental plate used.
Treatment: Combination of diet and exposure.
Diet: Specifies the diet treatment conditions.
Exposure: Specifies the exposure conditions.
Initial_area, Final_area: Measured body area in mm2 (using Phenopype v3.3.4) of individuals before and after exposure.
Growth_rate: Calculated growth over the study period.
Initial_leaf_area, Final_leaf_area: Measured area of leaf discs in mm2 (using FIJI v1.54d) before and after exposure.
Feeding_rate: Rate of leaf consumption during the study.
Pigmentation_Initial, Pigmentation_final: Measured pigmentation values (using Phenopype v3.3.4) before and after exposure.
Pigmentation_rate: Change in pigmentation measured over the study period.
Survival, Moulting: Binary indicators of survival and molting.

Data Collection:
In both experiments, individual Asellus aquaticus were exposed to varying concentrations of fungicides, and the response variables were measured weekly using digital photographs and analyzed using image analysis softwares.

Data Processing:
Growth rates were calculated based on the differences between initial and final sizes, and feeding rates were based on leaf area consumed. Pigmentation was measured using grayscale values.

Access and Licensing:
The dataset is licensed under [CC BY 4.0], allowing reuse with proper attribution.
DOI for the dataset will be available after publication on JYX.

Contact Information:
For further details or inquiries, contact:
Akshay Mohan -
Blake Matthews -
Katja Räsänen -

Aineiston kielienglanti

Vapaat asiasanatVesiekosysteemit; Asellus aquaticus; Kemiallinen saastuminen; Fungisidit; Avainlaji; Ravinteiden kierto

YSO-asiasanatvesiekologiamaatalouskemikaalitympäristön saastuminen

Tieteenalat 1181 Ekologia, evoluutiobiologia

SeurantakohteetResurssiviisausyhteisö (Jyväskylän yliopisto JYU) JYU.Wisdom

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