MATLAB codes implementing the generalized cross-wavelet transform (GXWT) algorithm described in the paper "Analyzing multidimensional movement interaction with generalized cross-wavelet transform" (Toiviainen & Hartmann, 2021)

Toiviainen, Petri; Hartman, Martin. (2021). MATLAB codes implementing the generalized cross-wavelet transform (GXWT) algorithm described in the paper "Analyzing multidimensional movement interaction with generalized cross-wavelet transform" (Toiviainen & Hartmann, 2021). V. 9.4.2021. University of Jyväskylä.

JYU authors
  • Contact person (yes/no)Yes
  • Contact person (yes/no)Yes

All authorsToiviainen, Petri; Hartman, Martin

FundersResearch Council of Finland


Availability and identifiers

AvailabilityDirect download

Publication year2021

Persistent identifiers of the datasetURN:NBN:fi:jyu-202104142376;10.17011/jyx/dataset/75063

URN identifier in JYX

DOI identifier in JYX

Description of the dataset

DescriptionMATLAB codes implementing the generalized cross-wavelet transform (GXWT) algorithm described in the paper "Analyzing multidimensional movement interaction with generalized cross-wavelet transform" (Toiviainen & Hartmann, 2021).

Basic workflow for multivariate (time by channel) signals d1 and d2:
[w1,f] = cwtensor(d1,FS,MINF,MAXF);
[w2,f] = cwtensor(d2,FS,MINF,MAXF);
[xs p1 p2] = getxwt(w1,w2);

NOTE: cwtensor.m requires the Wavelet Toolbox for MATLAB.

Keywords (YSO)MATLABinteractioncoordinationspectrum analysisfrequency

Fields of science6131 Theatre, dance, music, other performing arts113 Computer and information sciences114 Physical sciences

Follow-up groupsMusic, Mind and Technology (Department of Music, Art and Culture Studies MUTKU) MMTMusicology (Department of Music, Art and Culture Studies MUTKU) MUS

Do you deal with data concerning special categories of personal data in your research?No

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Last updated on 2024-04-04 at 14:22