Cultural-historical research on Saami book collections: database

Capdeville, Sophie Alix. Cultural-historical research on Saami book collections: database. V. 16.11.2022.

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  • Contact person (yes/no)Yes

All authorsCapdeville, Sophie Alix

FundersKalevi Kuitunen Foundation


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Description of the dataset

DescriptionThe dataset consists of a collection of archived documents on the provenance information of the Saami book collections of Finland and of materials produced based upon them, such as a database of Saami book collections.

The research of the history of the Saami book collections of Finland aims to analyse their "provenance" information. The provenance research methodology provides a better understanding of the Saami book history, with the cross-analysis of bookmarks with archival material, which can enlighten the use of books by different owners or other readers: it can help us refine our estimation of the situation of the book history in the Saami-speaking areas of Finland. The study of book collections of different institutions (libraries, churches, or museums) collection shall provide a better overview of work that has been done at the time of the translations and the publication of first Saami books. The gathered information will be saved in a database, the outcome of which is to ensure access first to Saami but also to other researchers.

This research aims to enlighten both Saami written culture and their reading history: this analysis of archives’ documents can provide a better overview of the use of the first Saami translations in Finland. Another important point of view is to enlighten the importance of the Saami-speakers in this book history, which has been too often neglected by too many historians. This research has to be conducted in cooperation with Saami institutions.

LanguageFinnishEnglishSamiNorthern SamiInari SamiFrench

Free keywordsSaami Written culture, Saami culture history, book collections, Finnish book history, endangered languages

Keywords (YSO)Sami speakersSami language literatureSámi languagesbook historyendangered languagesdecolonisation

Fields of science615 History and Archaeology616 Other humanities520 Other social sciences6121 Languages6122 Literature studies

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Last updated on 2024-12-12 at 11:39