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- Brief online ACT intervention to improve adolescents’ well-being : Effectiveness among adolescents with depressive symptoms during COVID-19 (2024) Keinonen, K.; et al.; A1; OA
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- Editorial : Addiction and social behaviors in the post-pandemic world (2024) Savolainen, Iina; et al.; B1; OA
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- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Volume 43, Issue 5. Special Issue: Motherhood, Work and the Politics of Care (2024) Krysa, Isabella; et al.; C2
- Factors Anticipating Adolescents’ Adherence and Dropout in an Online ACT Intervention During the COVID-19 Pandemic (2024) Puolakanaho, Anne; et al.; A1; OA
- Finland (2024) Leinonen, Emilia; A3; OA; 978-1-4473-6572-3