dynamical systems
Related publications and other outputs
- Numerical Visualization of Attractors: Self-Exciting and Hidden Attractors (2016) Kuznetsov, Nikolay; et al.; A3
- Strange Attractors and Classical Stability Theory: Stability, Instability, Lyapunov Exponents and Chaos (2016) Kuznetsov, Nikolay; et al.; A3
- The role of a vertical reference point in changing gait regulation in cricket run-ups (2016) Greenwood, Daniel; et al.; A1
- Acquisition of expertise in cricket fast bowling: Perceptions of expert players and coaches (2014) Phillips, Elissa R.; et al.; A1
- Hidden Oscillations in Dynamical Systems. 16 Hilbert's Problem, Aizerman's and Kalman's Conjectures, Hidden Attractors in Chua's Circuits (2014) Leonov, Gennady Alekseevich; et al.; A1
- Analytical-numerical methods for finding hidden oscillations in dynamical systems (2012) Vagaitsev, Vladimir; G5; OA
- Lyapunov quantities and limit cycles in two-dimensional dynamical systems: analytical methods, symbolic computation and visualization (2011) Kuznetsova, Olga; G5; OA
- Exponential transients in continuous-time symmetric Hopfield nets (2001) Sima, Jiri; et al.; A4; OA