violence (activity)
Related publications and other outputs
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- (De)Culturalising the problem of men's violences : The case of online debates on violence committed by migrant men (2024) Virkki, Tuija; et al.; A3; OA; 978-1-003-41507-7
- Athletic identity affects prevalence and disclosure of emotional abuse in Finnish athletes (2024) Muhonen, Jatta; et al.; A1; OA
- Blood in the Water : The 1956 Melbourne Games, the Hungarian Uprising and the Cold War Politics of Sport (2024) Holmila, Antero; A3; 978-952-65082-4-5
- Kaikilla on oikeus turvalliseen urheiluympäristöön (2024) Muhonen, Jatta; et al.; D1
- Pansy asses and terrorists : Sensibilities of anti-environmentalist toxic speech against Extinction Rebellion Finland (2024) Kosonen, Heidi; et al.; A1; OA
- Rikoshistoriaa 2020-luvulla : seminaariraportti Kustaa Vaasa 4.–5.6.2024 (2024) Impola, Petteri; D1; OA
- Simone de Beauvoir : Encroachment, Agency, Embodiment (2024) Heinämaa, Sara; A3; 978-1-003-19743-0
- Uncomfortable Knowledges and Transformative Learning : Reimagining the Museum in the Art of Gustafsson&Haapoja (2024) Kosonen, Heidi; et al.; A1; OA
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