schools (educational institutions)
Related publications and other outputs
- A shared vision for a school : developing a learning community (2024) Toikka, Teppo; et al.; A1; OA
- Cultural adaptation, content, and protocol of a feasibility study of school-based “Let’s learn about emotions” intervention for Finnish primary school children (2024) Sourander, A.; et al.; A1; OA
- EDUCA-lippulaivalla kurssi kohti koulutuksen valoisaa tulevaisuutta (2024) Lerkkanen, Marja-Kristiina; E1; OA
- Ethical Educational Data Processing Differences of Students with Special Needs in Post-Soviet Countries (2024) Karimov, Ayaz; et al.; A4; OA; 978-1-7336736-5-5
- How do teachers exercise relational agency for supporting migrant students within social networks in schools from Scotland, Finland, and Sweden? (2024) Pantić, Nataša; et al.; A1; OA
- How student perceptions of stuffy air and unpleasant odour are associated with students’ well-being : Cross-level interaction effects of school climate (2024) Finell, Eerika; et al.; A1; OA
- Johdanto (2024) Roiha, Anssi; et al.; D2
- Kohti kielitietoista koulua : yhteistyötä kielellisen moninaisuuden tukemiseen (2024) Repo, Elisa; D1; OA
- Kouluun ja opintoihin kiinnittymisen tukeminen oppivelvollisuusikäisten koulutuksissa (2024) Myllykoski-Laine, Siru; et al.; D4; OA; 978-952-206-846-0
- Leadership in Educational Contexts in Finland : Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives (2024) Ahtiainen, Raisa; et al.; C2; OA; 978-3-031-37604-7