piirtäminen (taide)
Liittyvät julkaisut ja muut tuotokset
- Menetelmällä on merkitystä (2024) Lokka, Antti; et al.; D2; OA; 978-952-353-458-2
- Visual Pedagogies in Higher Education : Between Theory and Practice (2023) Kedra, Joanna; C2; 978-90-04-53092-8
- Attributes of democratic culture as represented in young children’s drawings (2022) Lähdesmäki, Tuuli; A1; OA
- Drawing the premises for personalized learning : illustrations of management and accounting (2021) Aaltola, Pasi; et al.; A1; OA
- Exploring the material mediation of dialogic space : A qualitative analysis of professional learning in initial teacher education based on reflective sketchbooks (2019) Moate, Josephine; et al.; A1; OA