Related projects
- Aspects of the Grammar and Prosody of Finnish Sign Language
- Jantunen, Tommi
- Department of Language and Communication Studies
- Research Council of Finland
Related publications and other outputs
- Handbook of Pragmatics : 26th Annual Installment (2023) D'hondt, Sigurd; et al.; C2; 978-90-272-4923-4
- Licht ins Dunkel bringen : Phraseologisches in „Details“ zu Fernseh- und Spielfilmen in ARTE und 3SAT (2023) Skog-Södersved, Mariann; A3; OA
- Participatory sociolinguistics across researchers’ and participants’ language ideologies (2023) Bodó, Csanád; et al.; A1; OA
- The Personal Repertoire and Its Materiality : Resources, Means and Modalities of Languaging (2023) Dufva, Hannele; A3; OA; 978-3-031-13847-8
- Wolmar Schildt suomentajana (2023) Lönnroth, Harry; et al.; A1; OA
- Handbook of Pragmatics : 25th Annual Installment (2022) Brisard, Frank; et al.; C2; 978-90-272-5493-1
- LITHME : Language in the Human-Machine Era (2022) Koponen, Maarit; et al.; B3; OA; 978-94-6459-762-2
- What Can Linguistics Do to Technology Design? (2022) Saariluoma, Pertti; et al.; A4; 978-3-030-85540-6
- The International Comparable Corpus : Challenges in building multilingual spoken and written comparable corpora (2021) Čermáková, Ann; et al.; A1; OA
- Do concepts and methods have ethics? (2020) Laihonen, Petteri; D1; OA