Liittyvät julkaisut ja muut tuotokset
- Divergent auditory activation in relation to inhibition task performance in children and adults (2023) van Bijnen, Sam; et al.; A1; OA
- Functional significance of auditory cortex activation for cognitive skills in children (2023) Van Bijnen, Sam; G5; OA; 978-951-39-9508-9
- What do you have in mind? : ERP markers of visual and auditory imagery (2023) Proverbio, Alice Mado; et al.; A1; OA
- Activity level in left auditory cortex predicts behavioral performance in inhibition tasks in children (2022) van Bijnen, Sam; et al.; A1; OA
- Attentional modulation of interhemispheric (a)symmetry in children with developmental language disorder (2022) Hernández, Doris; et al.; A1; OA
- Auditory event-related potentials in separating patients with depressive disorders and non-depressed controls : A narrative review (2022) Kangas, Elina S.; et al.; A2; OA
- Rytmin havaitseminen (2022) Toiviainen, Petri; B2; 978-952-94-5976-6
- Somatosensory Deviance Detection ERPs and Their Relationship to Analogous Auditory ERPs and Interoceptive Accuracy (2022) Kangas, Elina S.; et al.; A1; OA
- Both contextual regularity and selective attention affect the reduction of precision‐weighted prediction errors but in distinct manners (2021) Hsu, Yi‐Fang; et al.; A1; OA
- Deviance detection in sound frequency in simple and complex sounds in urethane-anesthetized rats (2021) Yang, Tiantian; et al.; A1; OA