Liittyvät julkaisut ja muut tuotokset
- Vaikuttavuus ja merkityksellisyys : esimerkkinä MS- ja AVH-kuntoutujat (2022) Sjögren, Tuulikki; et al.; D1; OA
- European evidence-based recommendations for clinical assessment of upper limb in neurorehabilitation (CAULIN) : data synthesis from systematic reviews, clinical practice guidelines and expert consensus (2021) Prange-Lasonder, Gerdienke B.; et al.; A2; OA
- ‘I just want someone to rub some life into them!’ : the lived experience of impaired sensation in the feet related to multiple sclerosis (2021) Cook, Claire; et al.; A1; OA
- Participation in everyday life of people with multiple sclerosis (2020) Karhula, Maarit; G5; OA; 978-951-39-8292-8
- Predictors of Participation and Autonomy in People With Multiple Sclerosis (2019) Karhula, Maarit; et al.; A1
- A scoping review on interventions to promote physical activity among adults with disabilities (2018) Castro, Oscar; et al.; A2; OA
- Effectiveness of technology-based distance physical rehabilitation interventions on physical activity and walking in multiple sclerosis : a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (2018) Rintala, Aki; et al.; A2; OA
- Elämänlaadun muutokset multippeliskleroosia sairastavilla henkilöillä kymmenen vuoden seurannassa (2018) Rintala, Aki; et al.; D1; OA
- Psychometric evaluation of the Finnish version of the impact on participation and autonomy questionnaire in persons with multiple sclerosis (2017) Karhula, Maarit; et al.; A1; OA
- Three different approaches to cognitive fatigue in patients with a mild form of multiple sclerosis : objective cognitive, subjective cognitive and neurophysiological (2017) Liuha, Sanna; G4; OA