social integration
Related publications and other outputs
- Koulukotisijoitus ja miehen identiteetin rakentuminen : tutkimus 1950–60-luvuilla Järvilinnan vastaanottokotiin ja Pernasaaren koulukotiin sijoitettujen miesten elämäkerrallisista narratiiveista (2023) Salenius, Paula; G4; OA; 978-951-39-9560-7
- Nature-based integration of migrants : A cross-national systematic literature review (2023) Rai, Shailendra; et al.; A2; OA
- Immigrant political integration in Finland : the perspectives of black African immigrants at the municipal level (2022) Ndukwe, Thaddeus Chijioke; G4; OA; 978-951-39-8996-5
- Kasvava venäläisviha on turvallisuusuhka (2022) Mikkonen, Simo; E1
- Language, (em)power(ment) and affective capitalism : the case of an entrepreneurship workshop for refugees in Germany (2022) Dlaske, Kati; A1; OA
- Teachers’ and Adult Migrant Students’ Perspectives on Integration and Belonging in the Context of Finnish Vocational Education and Training (2022) Kärkkäinen, Katarzyna; et al.; A3; OA
- Tehtäväsuuntautunut motivaatioilmasto tukee kulttuurista integraatiota (2022) Toivonen, Hanna-Mari; D1; OA
- Työyhteisöön sosiaalistuminen usein hankalaa aloittelevalle opettajalle (2022) Salin, Kasper; D1; OA
- "Opettaja saa meidät tuntemaan kuin olisimme yhtä perhettä" (2021) Laukkanen, Arto; D1; OA
- Constructing social Europe through European cultural heritage (2021) Čeginskas, Viktorija L.A.; et al.; A1; OA
Related research datasets
- Survey data: Use of public natural environment as a means of inclusion for people with a migration background; Rai, Shailendra; et al.
- Use of public natural environment as a means of inclusion for people with a migration background: PPGIS survey data; Rai, Shailendra; et al.
- Use of public natural environment as a means of inclusion for people with a migration background: Survey data for intervention study; Rai, Shailendra; et al.