Liittyvät julkaisut ja muut tuotokset
- Talking Like a Teacher : A Study of Pre-Service Teachers’ Voice and Speech Characteristics in Learning and Teaching Situations (2024) Järvinen, Kati; et al.; A1; OA
- Recitative Voice : Reading Silently and Aloud, With Jean-Luc Nancy (2023) Puranen, Joni P.; A1; OA
- Auditory event-related potentials in separating patients with depressive disorders and non-depressed controls : A narrative review (2022) Kangas, Elina S.; et al.; A2; OA
- Äänekäs ruumis (2021) Puranen, Joni; B1; OA
- Kestääkö ääni? Laulunopetuksen vaikutus opettajaksi valmistuvien äänen laatuun ja ilmaisuun (2017) Valtasaari, Marjut Hannele; G4; OA
- Performers' emotions in expressive performance : sound, movement, and perception (2014) Van Zijl, Anemone G. W.; G5; OA
- Newcomers Navigating Language Choice and Seeking Voice: Peer Talk in a Multilingual Primary School Classroom in Finland. (2013) Mökkönen, Alicia; A1
- Äänen retoriikka lastenmainoksissa: musiikki, äänitehosteet ja puheen ei-kielelliset elementit vaikuttamisen välineinä (2013) Martti, Pirkko; G4; OA
- Effects of authority: Voicescapes in children’s beliefs about the learning of English (2012) Aro, Mari; A1; OA
- Voice and Choice for Users and Carers? Developments in Patterns of Care for Older People in Australia, England and Finland (2012) Yeandle, Sue; et al.; A1