Liittyvät julkaisut ja muut tuotokset
- From trending to mind-bending : the functions and effects of music video experiences (2024) Wilson, Johanna N.; G5; OA; 978-952-86-0206-4
- Perceptual encoding benefit of visual memorability on visual memory formation (2024) Ye, Chaoxiong; et al.; A1; OA
- Relationships between pre-service teachers’ self-reported physical activity and their perceptions of physical education in early childhood teacher education (2024) Soini, Anne; et al.; A1; OA
- The Effects of the StartReact on Reaction Time, Rate of Force Development, and Muscle Activity in Biceps Brachii (2024) Walker, Simon; et al.; A1; OA
- The Influence of Music and Dance Experience on Audio-Visual Polyrhythm Perception (2024) Nijhuis, Patti; et al.; O1; OA
- The characteristics of music video experiences and their relationship to future listening outcomes (2024) Dasovich-Wilson, Johanna N.; et al.; A1; OA
- Editorial: Cognitive mechanisms of visual attention, working memory, emotion, and their interactions (2023) Xu, Qianru; et al.; B1; OA
- Enhanced electrical brain activity to changes in native speech sounds : a cross-linguistic study comparing native speakers of Finnish and Chinese (2023) Yang, Tiantian; et al.; O1; OA
- Magnetoencephalography reveals impaired sensory gating and change detection in older adults in the somatosensory system (2023) Pesonen, Heidi; et al.; A1; OA
- Missä on Tiina Pyykkisen taiteen täky? (2023) Saarinen, Jussi; B2