digital media
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Related publications and other outputs
- Unrequited love? : A mixed-methods study of parasocial engagement with social media influencers (2025) Tyrväinen, Olli; et al.; A1; OA
- A revised digital media–arena framework guiding strategic communication in digital environments (2024) Badham, Mark; et al.; A1; OA
- Digital environments as sites for informal workplace learning in knowledge work (2024) Karhapää, Anne; et al.; A1; OA
- Growing up online : adolescents' digital media use and its relationships with individual factors, social factors, and health (2024) Lahti, Henri; G5; OA; 978-952-86-0247-7
- “It’s a Balancing Act” : Contradictory Ambitions of Journalistic Media in Addressing Harassment in Sport (2024) Ehrlén, Veera; A1; OA
- Mobile phone use before and during the COVID-19 pandemic : a panel study of older adults in seven countries (2024) Taipale, Sakari; et al.; A1; OA
- Motorcycles, minarets, and mullahs : a multimodal critical discourse analysis on Pakistan’s journey to rebrand Islam (2024) Salam-Salmaoui, Rauha; et al.; A1; OA
- The managerial and future-oriented role of audience data in data-informed news organisations (2024) Ahva, Laura; et al.; A1; OA
- The (mobile) news ecosystem milestone (2024) Linden, Carl-Gustav; et al.; A3; OA; 978-1-003-31615-2
- Yli 65-vuotiaiden media- ja robottilukutaitoja tutkimassa (2024) Rasi-Heikkinen, Päivi; et al.; B1; OA