reproduction (biology)
Related publications and other outputs
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- Effects of incubation temperature and maternal phenotype on Baltic herring (Clupea harengus membras) eggs and larvae : An experimental study (2024) Mäkinen, Katja; et al.; A1; OA
- Floral mutualists, antagonists, and within-species diversity : the significance of within-species diversity of the plant Geranium sylvaticum to its interactions with pollinators and the Zacladus geranii -Weevil (2024) Soininen, Jaakko; G5; OA; 978-951-39-9951-3
- Home is where the high-quality resources are : nursery characteristics and territory distribution suggest reproductive resource defense in golden rocket frogs (2024) Fouilloux, Chloe A.; et al.; A1
- How fit is your gut? : disentangling the associations between the gut microbiome, the environment and host performance in wild birds (2024) Liukkonen, Martta; G5; OA; 978-952-86-0264-4
- International Journal of Limnology. Special issue: Biology and Management of Coregonid Fishes - 2023 (2024) Anneville, Orlane; et al.; C2; OA
- Intraspecific divergence of sexual size dimorphism and reproductive strategies in a polytypic poison frog (2024) Schlippe Justicia, Lia; et al.; A1; OA
- Poison in the nursery : Mercury contamination in the tadpole-rearing sites of an Amazonian frog (2024) Schlippe-Justicia, Lia; et al.; A1; OA
- Reproductive cycle, fecundity and growth of the freshwater mussel Unio tumidus (Bivalvia: Unionidae) from Lake Viinijärvi, Finland (2024) Abdelsaleheen, Olfat; et al.; A1; OA
- The correlation between anisogamy and sexual selection intensity : the broad theoretical predictions (2024) Lehtonen, Jussi; et al.; A1; OA