Related publications and other outputs
- Simone de Beauvoir : Encroachment, Agency, Embodiment (2024) Heinämaa, Sara; A3; 978-1-003-19743-0
- Can you imagine? : An imaginary of Finland's higher education as anti-oppressive, intersectional practice (2023) Ennser-Kananen, Johanna; et al.; A3; OA; 978-1-003-32270-2
- How Personal Finance Management Systems Emancipate and Oppress Young People (2023) Herrala, Juha-Matti; et al.; A4; OA; 978-0-9981331-6-4
- From Oppression to Global Social Justice (2022) Viggiano, Tiffany; et al.; A3; 978-1-003-12197-8
- Finnish Colonial Encounters : From Anti-Imperialism to Cultural Colonialism and Complicity (2021) Merivirta, Raita; et al.; C2; 978-3-030-80610-1
- Non-abusing mothers’ agency after disclosure of the child’s extra-familial sexual abuse (2021) Serin; et al.; A1; OA
- Objectification, Inferiorization, and Projection in Phenomenological Research on Dehumanization (2021) Heinämaa, Sara; et al.; A3; 978-0-429-49246-4
- Opettaako polttopallo tahattomasti sortoa? (2020) Salin, Kasper; D1
- When Living Is Only Not Dying : Immanence and Animals in Beauvoir’s Discussion of Oppression (2020) Ruonakoski, Erika; A1; OA
- For the oppressed teacher: stay real! (2018) Isomöttönen, Ville; A1; OA