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- Labour Market Demands, Employability and Authenticity (2021) Nikunen, Minna; A1; OA
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- Becoming Politically Active : Life Courses and the Formation of Capitals Among Young People of Migrant Origin in Finland (2020) Pirkkalainen, Päivi; et al.; A1; OA
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- Metsästyksen kentän logiikka ja kulttuurinen kestävyys (2017) Kivitalo, Mari; A1; OA
- Habitus and care : investigating welfare service workers' agency (2014) Hirvonen, Helena; G5; OA
- Bourdieu and Social Movements: Considering Identity Movements in terms of Field, Capital and Habitus (2013) Husu, Hanna-Mari; A1
- Social movements and Bourdieu: class, embodiment and the politics of identity (2013) Husu, Hanna-Mari; G5; OA
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