Related publications and other outputs
- Designing for Life : A Human Perspective on Technology Development (2016) Saariluoma, Pertti; et al.; C1
- Lapset hyötyvät tietokoneavusteisesta taitoharjoittelusta (2016) Salminen, Jonna; D1; OA
- Measuring and Supporting Pre-Service Teachers’ Self-Efficacy Towards Computers, Teaching, and Technology Integration (2016) Kiili, Carita; et al.; A1; OA
- Seikkailupelien synty, kuolema ja ylösnousemus (2016) Kari, Vesa-Matti; B1; OA
- World as Numbers : Living in an Algorithmic Culture (2016) Koskimaa, Raine; A4; OA
- Issues in E-Learning Quality Assurance (2014) Etedali, Mohammad; et al.; A4
- Onni (2014) Heikinaro-Johansson, Pilvikki; et al.; B2
- Short-time non-work-related computing and creative performance (2014) Kuem, Jungwon; et al.; A4; OA; 978-1-4799-2504-9
- The relationship between ICT use and reading literacy : focus on 15-year-old Finnish students in PISA studies (2014) Leino, Kaisa; G5; OA
- Efficient remote authentication (2013) Kiperberg, Michael; et al.; A1; OA