Liittyvät julkaisut ja muut tuotokset
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- Belongingness to groups, adolescent loneliness trajectories, and their consequences (2024) Beattie, Marguerite; et al.; A1; OA
- Feeling Poor and Lonely : The Felt Experiences of Low-Income Working Lone Mothers in Finland (2024) Säilävaara, Jenny; et al.; A1; OA
- Longitudinal associations between parental early psychological distress and children’s emotional and behavioural problems during early childhood and self-reported social functioning in 11-year-old children born very preterm (2024) Salomäki, Susanna; et al.; A1; OA
- Modeling the Effect of Psycho-Socio-Economic Consequences of COVID-19 on Life Satisfaction : The Role of Deviation from a Balanced Time Perspective (2024) Fedáková, Denisa; et al.; A1; OA
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- Profiles of Loneliness and Ostracism During Adolescence : Consequences, Antecedents, and Protective Factors (2024) Kiuru, Noona; et al.; A1; OA
- Sport Participation Trajectories and Loneliness : Evidence From the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (2024) Owen, Katherine B.; et al.; A1
- The cohort trends of social connectedness in secondary school students in Finland between 2017 and 2021 (2024) Read, Sanna; et al.; A1; OA
- The impacts of stress and loneliness on gambling and gaming problems : A nationwide longitudinal study (2024) Vuorinen, Ilkka; et al.; A1; OA