Liittyvät julkaisut ja muut tuotokset
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- A comparative study on Saudi and Japanese in-service teachers’ attitudes towards inclusive education and self-efficacy in inclusive practices (2024) Yada, Akie; et al.; A1; OA
- At the Intersection of Ethnicity and Special Educational Needs : Findings from a Longitudinal Study in Finland (2024) Jahnukainen, Markku; et al.; A3; OA; 978-1-003-32755-4
- Inclusion and Special Needs Education for Immigrant Students in the Nordic Countries (2024) Bahdanovich Hanssen, Natallia; et al.; C2; 978-1-003-32755-4
- Inclusion and Special Needs Education for Immigrant Students in the Nordic Countries : What are the Lessons? (2024) Bahdanovich Hanssen, Natallia; et al.; A3; 978-1-003-32755-4
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- Introduction to Inclusion and Special Needs Education for Immigrant Students in the Nordic Countries (2024) Bahdanovich Hanssen, Natallia; et al.; B2; 978-1-003-32755-4
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