Liittyvät julkaisut ja muut tuotokset
- Empathy enhances decoding accuracy of human neurophysiological responses to emotional facial expressions of humans and dogs (2024) Kujala, Miiamaaria V; et al.; A1; OA
- Matters of development and experience : Evaluation of dog and human emotional expressions by children and adults (2023) Törnqvist, Heini; et al.; A1; OA
- Sad and fearful face distractors do not consume working memory resources in depressed adults (2023) Ye, Chaoxiong; et al.; O1; OA
- The effect of sad mood on early sensory event-related potentials to task-irrelevant faces (2023) Li, Xueqiao; et al.; A1; OA
- Estimating Stress in Online Meetings by Remote Physiological Signal and Behavioral Features (2022) Sun, Zhaodong; et al.; A4; OA; 978-1-4503-9423-9
- Pain fingerprinting using multimodal sensing : pilot study (2022) Keskinarkaus, Anja; et al.; A1; OA
- Sad and fearful face distractors do not consume working memory resources in depressed adults (2022) Xu, Qianru; et al.; O1; OA
- “Do you understand (me)?” negotiating mutual understanding by using gaze and environmentally coupled gestures between two deaf signing participants (2022) Sivunen, Nina; et al.; A1; OA
- 不同情绪面孔的视觉工作记忆表现差异 [The Performance Difference of Visual Working Memory between Various Emotional Faces] (2022) Li, Qianru; et al.; A2; OA
- 面孔表情识别眼动模式的影响因素 [Influencing factors of eye movement patterns in facial expression recognition] (2022) Liu, Xin-yang; et al.; A2; OA