EU policy
Related publications and other outputs
- Struggle and banality of belonging to Europe : Cultural Europeanization from the perspective of the Central and East European citizens (2024) Mäkinen, Katja; et al.; A1; OA
- The evolution of capabilities of monitoring mediascapes in 14 European countries (2024) Lauk, Epp; et al.; A3; OA; 978-9916-27-460-6
- Extending heritage diplomacy : a dialogic approach to cultural heritage (2023) Lähdesmäki, Tuuli; et al.; O4; OA
- Dialogue in and as European heritage (2022) Čeginskas, Viktorija L. A.; et al.; A1; OA
- Digitaalisia medioita, poliitikkojen kokemuksia ja vaaleja (2022) Mäkinen, Katja; et al.; B1; OA
- Euroopan komissiolta tervetullut apupaketti luontokadon torjuntaan (2022) Kotiaho, Janne; E1
- Exploring 2040 : Global Trends and International Policies Setting Frames for the Finnish Wood-Based Economy (2022) Kunttu, Janni; et al.; A1; OA
- Junalla matkustaminen on todellista vapautta (2022) Palonen, Kari; E1; OA
- Posting, short term labour migration, and social rights access : How to rework an alienating system? (2022) Lillie, Nathan; et al.; D4; OA
- Regional overview of potato pest problem in EU (2022) Margus, Aigi; et al.; A3; 978-0-323-98414-0