school class community
Related publications and other outputs
- Elementary school teachers' experiences of implementing the Teacher Classroom Management Method : Case study in Finland (2023) Maunula, Minna; et al.; A1; OA
- Multimodal Participation and Engagement : Social Interaction in the Classroom (2023) Vänttinen, Minttu; B1
- Luokasta oppimisympäristöiksi (2020) Roos, Susanne; et al.; D2
- Olen ja ihmettelen : maailmassa-olemisen näyttämö draaman merkityksen antajana Martin Heideggerin filosofian valossa (2016) Uusitalo, Margit; G4; OA
- Student engagement in Finnish lower secondary school (2016) Virtanen, Tuomo; G5; OA
- Työrauha luokkaan (2014) Saloviita, Timo; D5
- Educational Dialogues: Understanding and Promoting Productive Interaction (2010) Littleton, Karen; et al.; C2
- Teacher turn-allocation and repair practices in classroom interaction: a multisemiotic perspective (2010) Kääntä, Leila; G4
- Koulumuistoja naiseksi kasvamisesta (1998) Kosonen, Ulla; G4; OA