Cold War
Related publications and other outputs
- Finland and the outbreak of the War in Korea (1950) in documents of the US Department of State (2024) Suchoples, Jarosław; A3; 978-3-631-91444-1
- Hiukkaskiihdytin maailmanrauhan puolesta : 1960-luvun hanke, joka ei toteutunut (2024) Maalampi, Jukka; E1; OA
- Introduction (2024) Suchoples, Jarosław; et al.; B2; 978-3-631-91444-1
- Overcoming a Cold War Mindset : Encounters with Soviet Musical Expertise in a Finnish Town (2024) Mikkonen, Simo; et al.; A1
- The Cold War Re- called : 21st Century Perceptions of the Worldwide Geopolitical Tension (2024) Suchoples, Jarosław; et al.; C2; 978-3-631-91444-1
- Willingness to defend and foreign policy in Sweden and Finland from the early Cold War period to the 2010s (2024) Häkkinen, Teemu; et al.; A1; OA
- Double Objective in Mind : Translating American Management Ideas in the Context of Cold War Finland (2023) Seppälä, Jarmo; et al.; A1; OA
- Kekkosen Suomi lännen vaikuttamisoperaatioiden kohteena (2023) Hämäläinen, Tommi; B1; OA
- Kylmä sota sosiaalisena mekanismina Suomessa (2023) Hämäläinen, Tommi; B1; OA
- Professori Lennart Simons ja Suomen ydinenergiateknologian alkuvaiheet (2023) Ahlskog, Markus; B1; OA