Related publications and other outputs
- Nainen, mies ja monikulttuurisuus (2005) Sihvola, Juha; B1
- Towards a culture of peace through intercultural education (2005) Lasonen, Johanna; B2
- Identity in Multicultural and Multilingual Contexts (2004) Lestinen, Leena; et al.; B2
- Research programme on internationalisation in education and training : the UNESCO Chair Programme at the University of Jyväskylä (2003) Lasonen, Johanna; B3
- UNESCO Conference on Intercultural Education: Teaching and Learning for Intercultural Understanding, Human Rights and a Culture of Peace. Conference Proceedings. (2003) Lasonen, Johanna; et al.; C2
- UNESCO Conference on Intercultural Education. Teaching and Learning for Intercultural Understanding, Human Rights and a Culture of Peace. Programme and Abstracts (2003) Lestinen, Leena; et al.; D5
- Cognitive deficits in patients with first-episode psychosis as identified by Exner's Schizophrenia Index in Finland and Spain (2002) Kalla, Outi; et al.; A1
- Epilogi: Erilaisuus oppimista palvelemaan (2002) Lestinen, Leena; A3
- Kulttuuriset stereotypiat kierrättyvät yliopistotason koulutuksessa (2002) Lestinen, Leena; D1
- Moninaisuus arvossa kaikille suotuisassa yliopistossa (2002) Lestinen, Leena; D1