poliittinen päätöksenteko
Liittyvät julkaisut ja muut tuotokset
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- Forest carbon payments : A multidisciplinary review of policy options for promoting carbon storage in EU member states (2024) Assmuth, Aino; et al.; A2; OA
- Interpreting multilateral diplomacy in the Indonesian Parliament’s debates on climate crisis and sustainability (2024) Adiputri, Ratih D.; A1; OA
- Physical Fitness Surveillance and Monitoring Systems Inventory for Children and Adolescents : A Scoping Review with a Global Perspective (2024) Brazo-Sayavera, Javier; et al.; A2; OA
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- Aligning Business Interests with National Goals in Industrial Policy : The Finnish Case, 1952-2014 (2023) Stutz, Christian; et al.; A4
- (De)politicization through safetization? : Decision-making on nuclear waste management in Finland and France (2023) Kojo, Matti; et al.; O1; OA
- Kuuleeko eduskunta tieteentekijöitä? (2023) Seppänen, Janne-Tuomas; et al.; E1; OA
- Lasten ja nuorten kokemustieto eduskunnan valiokuntatyöskentelyssä (2023) Kiili, Johanna; et al.; A3; 978-952-397-111-0
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