online learning
Related publications and other outputs
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- Co-construction of knowledge and socioemotional interaction in pre-service teachers’ video-based online collaborative learning (2023) Lehtinen, Auli; et al.; A1; OA
- Developing Students Well-Being and Engagement in Higher Education during COVID-19 : A Case Study of Web-Based Learning in Finland (2023) Maunula, Minna; et al.; A1; OA
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- Investigating Students’ Satisfaction with Online Collaborative Learning During the COVID-19 Period : An Expectation-Confirmation Model (2023) Cheng, Xusen; et al.; A1
- Skill learning during an asynchronous music e-learning module (2023) Rautiainen, Katri-Helena; A1; OA
- Temporal perspective on the gender-related differences in online learning behaviour (2023) Wang, Huanhuan; et al.; A1; OA
- The Relevance of Versatile Learning Online Assessment Feedback for University Student (2023) Maunula, Minna; et al.; A1; OA
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