automation systems
Related publications and other outputs
- The Continued Innovation-Decision Process : A Case Study of Continued Adoption of Robotic Process Automation (2022) Sarilo-Kankaanranta, Henriika; et al.; A4; OA; 978-3-030-95947-0
- The Slow Adoption Rate of Software Robotics in Accounting and Payroll Services and the Role of Resistance to Change in Innovation-Decision Process (2022) Sarilo-Kankaanranta, Henriika; et al.; A4; OA; 978-3-031-10902-7
- Cloning and training collective intelligence with generative adversarial networks (2021) Terziyan, Vagan; et al.; A1; OA
- Kohdennetumpaa markkinointia (2021) Uotila, Panu; D1
- On automatic algorithm configuration of vehicle routing problem solvers (2019) Rasku, Jussi; et al.; A1; OA; 978-951-39-7826-6
- Cyber security in the management of an electricity company (2018) Pöyhönen, Jouni; D4; OA; 978-951-39-7543-2
- Kyberturvallisuuden hallintajärjestelmän luominen energiayhtiön lämpövoimalaitokseen : CIRP-raportti 2016 (2018) Pöyhönen, Jouni; D4; OA; 978-951-39-7545-6
- Standardit, ohjeet ja suositukset osana teollisuusorganisaatioiden kyberturvallisuuden hallintaa : CIRP-raportti 2017 (2018) Pöyhönen, Jouni; D4; OA; 978-951-39-7541-8