Liittyvät julkaisut ja muut tuotokset
- Adaptation of corticospinal excitability after short- and long-term motor training (2024) Hu, Nijia; G5; OA; 978-951-39-9941-4
- Effect of External Work Magnitude on Mechanical Efficiency of Sledge Jumping (2024) Seki, Keitaro; et al.; A1; OA
- Triceps surae muscle-tendon length changes and shear modulus ratios across the ankle motion in adolescents with cerebral palsy (2024) Cenni, Francesco; et al.; O1
- Wearing an ultrasound probe during walking does not influence lower limb joint kinematics in adolescents with cerebral palsy and typically developing peers (2024) Cenni, Francesco; et al.; A1; OA
- Nivelet (2022) Heinonen, Ari; D2; 978-952-360-301-1
- The relationship between triceps surae muscle-tendon morphology and stiffness across passive ankle range of motion in cerebral palsy (2022) Cenni, F.; et al.; O1
- Effects of Joint Kinetics on Energy Cost during Repeated Vertical Jumping (2019) Seki, Keitaro; et al.; A1
- The effectiveness of 12 months' intensive shoulder strength training on disability, health-related quality of life and shoulder function after rotator cuff repair (2017) Piitulainen, Kirsi; G5; OA
- Vesiharjoittelu polven nivelrikon hoidossa : kivun lievityksestä toimintakyvyn parantamiseen (2017) Waller, Benjamin; D1
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