Related projects
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- Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences
- Foundation for Economic Education
Related publications and other outputs
- Do parenthood worries impede the birth of a second child? : Differences according to the parent’s gender and spousal support in Finland (2024) Moilanen, Sanna; et al.; A1; OA
- Isyys eron jälkeen : puhetta hoivasta, kasvatuksesta ja huolesta (2024) Terävä, Johanna; A1; OA
- Parenting styles of Finnish parents and their associations with parental burnout (2023) Mikkonen, Kristiina; et al.; A1; OA
- Vertaistukea oluen äärellä? (2023) Eerola, Petteri; B1; OA
- Burned-out Fathers and Untold Stories : Mixed Methods Investigation of the Demands and Resources of Finnish Fathers (2022) Sorkkila, Matilda; et al.; A1; OA
- Fathers in focus : two discursive analyses on addressing men, work and care (2022) Heikkinen, Suvi; et al.; A3; OA; 978-1-78897-605-3
- Leadership practices in relation to men's work-family balance in Finnish organizations (2021) Kangas, Emilia; et al.; A1; OA
- Positioning as a Tool in Work with Fathers Who Have Been Violent in the Family (2021) Päivinen, Helena; et al.; A3; 978-0-429-28005-4
- Vanhempien käsitykset ihannevanhemman ominaisuuksista sekä yhteiskunnan vanhemmille asettamista ihanteista Suomessa (2021) Halonen, Juuli; et al.; A1
- Discourses of fatherhood in leadership and organisations (2020) Kangas, Emilia; G5; OA; 978-951-39-8365-9