Liittyvät julkaisut ja muut tuotokset
- Assessing cardiorespiratory fitness in clinical and community settings : Lessons and advancements in the 100th year anniversary of VO2max (2024) Harber, Matthew P.; et al.; A2
- Cardiorespiratory fitness is linked with heart rate variability during stress in "at-risk" adults (2024) Salmio, Anniina; et al.; A1
- Fyysisen kunnon mittaaminen herättää ristiriitaisia tunteita eri kouluasteilla (2024) Salin, Kasper; D1; OA
- Genetic Regulation of Physical Fitness in Children : A Twin Study of 15 Tests from Eurofit and Fitnessgram Test Batteries (2024) Silventoinen, Karri; et al.; A1; OA
- Move!-2023 : tulokset ja niiden hyödyntäminen liikunnanopetuksessa (2024) Huhtiniemi, Mikko; D1; OA
- Syksyn 2023 Move!-mittaukset : pieniä toivonpilkahduksia (2024) Huhtiniemi, Mikko; D1; OA
- Test–Retest Reliability and Concurrent Validity of the 30 second Sit to Stand Test in Adolescents (2024) Robinson, Katie J.; et al.; A1; OA
- The Youth Fitness International Test (YFIT) battery for monitoring and surveillance among children and adolescents : A modified Delphi consensus project with 169 experts from 50 countries and territories (2024) Ortega, Francisco B.; et al.; A1; OA
- 45 vuoden seurantatutkimus osoittaa nuoruuden kunnon heijastuvan pitkälle aikuisuuteen (2023) Laakso, Perttu; E1; OA
- European fitness landscape for children and adolescents : updated reference values, fitness maps and country rankings based on nearly 8 million test results from 34 countries gathered by the FitBack network (2023) Ortega, Francisco B.; et al.; A1; OA