Liittyvät julkaisut ja muut tuotokset
- International Journal of Limnology. Special issue: Biology and Management of Coregonid Fishes - 2023 (2024) Anneville, Orlane; et al.; C2; OA
- Vendace populations on the life table : between-lake variation and the association between early life and mature survival and growth (2024) Marjomäki, Timo J.; et al.; A1; OA
- Saarijärven Pyhäjärven ekologisesti kestävä kaupallinen muikunpyynti : alustava arvio Etelä-Konneveden ja Puulan muikkututkimusten perusteella (2023) Marjomäki, Timo J.; et al.; D4; OA; 978-951-39-9917-9
- Saimaan viisaasti kalastettu muikku : asianosaisten näkemyksiä (2023) Kytölä, Antti; et al.; D4; OA; 978-951-39-9916-2
- Genetic-based evaluation of management units for sustainable vendace (Coregonus albula) fisheries in a large lake system (2022) Karjalainen, Juha; et al.; A1; OA
- Age is not just a number : Mathematical model suggests senescence affects how fish populations respond to different fishing regimes (2021) Ahti, Pauliina A.; et al.; A1; OA
- Genetic relationships between sympatric and allopatric Coregonus ciscoes in North and Central Europe (2021) Mehner, Thomas; et al.; A1; OA
- Influence of warming temperatures on coregonine embryogenesis within and among species (2021) Stewart, Taylor R.; et al.; A1; OA
- Lifting the Vendace, Coregonus albula, on the Life Table : Survival, Growth and Reproduction in Different Life-Stages during Very High and Low Abundance Regimes (2021) Marjomäki, Timo J.; et al.; A1; OA
- Occurrence of Two-Year Cyclicity, “Saw-Blade Fluctuation”, in Vendace Populations in Finland (2021) Marjomäki, Timo J.; et al.; A1; OA