Related publications and other outputs
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- Strategic labour inspection in fissured workplaces and transnational employment relations : Lessons from co-enforcement approaches and transgovernmental cooperation (2024) Haidinger, Bettina; et al.; A1; OA
- 30 Jahre transnational vernetzte Sozialarbeitsforschung zu Gemeinwesenarbeit, sozialer Ökonomie und ökosozialen Themen (2023) Matthies, Aila-Leena; et al.; A3; OA; 978-88-6046-192-6
- "Becoming a Finn" in the United States : the representations of foodways, language, sports, and music in the processes of identity formation in contemporary Finnish-American fiction (2023) Kushnir, Roman; G5; OA; 978-951-39-9622-2
- Indigenous Sámi Literature (2023) Ahvenjärvi, Kaisa; A3; 978-0-19-020109-8
- Intertwining science and politics : foreign scholars of Finland and their Finnish collaborators, ca. 1870–1920 (2023) Pekkarinen, Juho; G4; OA; 978-951-39-9767-0
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- Multisensory discourse resources : decolonizing ethnographic research practices (2023) Boivin, Nettie; A1; OA
- “When neo-Nazis march on Norwegian streets, you hear a lot of Swedish” : Pan-Nordic and transnational dimensions of right-wing extremism (2023) Kotonen, Tommi; et al.; D4; OA; 978-92-893-7549-8
- „Europa beginnt hier“ : Zum Potential eines gemeinsamen Kulturerbes in Europa (2022) Čeginskas, Viktorija L. A.; A3