conceptual history
Related projects
- Music, Revolution and Political Concepts in the Soviet Union, 1917-1939
- Parkkinen, Jari
- Department of History and Ethnology
- Ella ja Georg Ehrnrooth Foundation
- Dialogues with the past: Transforming political concepts as part of revolutionary discourse in the Soviet music politics 1917-1930s
- Parkkinen, Jari
- Department of Language and Communication Studies
- Valtiopäivätoiminnan 150. merkkivuoden juhlarahasto (Cultura Foundation sr)
- History of Intuitive Philosophical Knowledge
- Lipsanen, Katariina
- Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy
- Kone Foundation
- Politics of Human Rights - Conceptual and Rhetorical Reading of the postwar debates
- Kivistö, Hanna-Mari
- Department of Social Sciences and Philosophy
- Kone Foundation
Related publications and other outputs
- "At the sound of the new word spoken" : Le mot "démocratie" en Grande-Bretagne, 1770-1920 (2024) Bonin, Hugo; C1
- Conceptual History (2024) Kurunmäki, Jussi; et al.; B2; OA; 978-1-5296-7959-5
- How Theory Shapes Perspective, Or When Did Democracy Become Representative? (2024) Bonin, Hugo; E1; OA
- Hur demokrati blev nationell identitet i Sverige : en begreppshistorisk analys (2024) Kurunmäki, Jussi; et al.; A1; OA
- Importable or exceptional? Swiss direct-democratic instruments in the French and German Parliaments, 2000–19 (2024) Bonin, Hugo; et al.; A1; OA
- Monikasvoinen raatajarahvas Venäjän Karjalassa 1918–1922 (2024) Aunala, Aki; A3; OA; 978-952-7466-40-7
- The Joint Practice of Conceptual History and the Study of Political Thought : Kari Palonen in Conversation with Rosario López and José María Rosales (2024) Palonen, Kari; et al.; A1; OA
- Book Review: Der Riss in der Zeit. Reinhart Kosellecks ungeschriebene Historik by Stefan-Ludwig Hoffmann, Suhrkamp Verlag, 2023. 392 pages. ISBN: 978-3-518-29999-9 (2023) Palonen, Kari; B1; OA
- ‘Democracy’ and ‘People’s Power’ in the Finnish Parliament : the Struggle between Representative, Participatory and Direct Democracy (2023) Hyvärinen, Matti; et al.; A1; OA
- Dialogeja menneisyyden kanssa (2023) Parkkinen, Jari; B1; OA