management culture
Related publications and other outputs
- Lessons Learned from Traditional and "new-age" Leadership (2018) Auvinen, Tommi; et al.; A3
- ICT-driven disruptive innovation nurtures un-captured GDP : Harnessing women's potential as untapped resources (2017) Watanabe, Chihiro; et al.; A1; OA
- Distributed leadership in Finnish and Shanghai schools (2016) Tian, Meng; G5; OA
- The dynamic interaction between internal and external pressures for MNCs’ HR management practices: The case of Lidl Finland (2014) Skippari, Mika; et al.; A4; OA
- Symbolic leadership and leadership culture in one unified comprehensive school in Finland (2012) Lahtero, Tapio; et al.; A1
- Yhtenäiskoulun johtamiskulttuuri: symbolis-tulkinnallinen näkökulma (2011) Lahtero, Tapio; G4
- Johtaja vai juoksupoika - Suomalaisen yleissivistävän koulun johtamiskulttuurin ja sen determinanttien tarkastelua (1996) Isosomppi, Leena; C1