energiankulutus (aineenvaihdunta)
Liittyvät julkaisut ja muut tuotokset
- Recommendations for Determining the Validity of Consumer Wearables and Smartphones for the Estimation of Energy Expenditure : Expert Statement and Checklist of the INTERLIVE Network (2022) Argent, Rob; et al.; A2; OA
- Validity of three smartwatches in estimating energy expenditure during outdoor walking and running (2022) Le, Shenglong; et al.; A1; OA
- Valmentajan ravitsemusosaaminen tukee urheilijan terveyttä ja suorituskykyä (2022) Hietavala, Enni-Maria; et al.; D1; OA
- A nonlinear mixed model approach to predict energy expenditure from heart rate (2021) Kortelainen, Lauri; et al.; A1; OA
- Energetic Demands and Nutritional Strategies of Elite Cross-Country Skiers During Tour de Ski : A Narrative Review (2021) Heikura, Ida A.; et al.; A2; OA
- Improving Energy Expenditure Estimation in Wrist-Worn Wearables by Augmenting Heart Rate Data With Heat Flux Measurement (2021) Levikari, Saku; et al.; A1; OA
- Mitochondrial bioenergetic pathways in blood leukocyte transcriptome decrease after intensive weight loss but are rescued following weight regain in female physique athletes (2021) Sarin, Heikki V.; et al.; A1; OA
- Randomized Trial : D-Glyceric Acid Activates Mitochondrial Metabolism in 50–60-Year-Old Healthy Humans (2021) Hirvonen, O. Petteri; et al.; A1; OA
- Biomechanical factors affecting energy cost during running utilising different slopes (2020) Seki, Keitaro; et al.; A1; OA
- Improving Energy Expenditure Estimation in Wearables using a Heat Flux Sensor : First Observations (2020) Levikari, Saku; et al.; A4; OA