positive psychology
Related publications and other outputs
- Luonteenvahvuuksien hyödyntäminen aikuisten suomen kielen oppimisessa (2024) Scotson, Mia; A3; OA
- Saemaul Undong : Harbinger or mirage of hope for a rural community in Uganda? (2024) Kontinen, Tiina; et al.; A1; OA
- Suggested metatheory for positive psychology : The organismic systems theory (2024) Maurer, Mia M.; A1; OA
- Nuorten ja perheiden hyvinvoinnin vahvistaminen positiivisen psykologian interventioiden avulla (2023) Laakso, Mari; B1; OA
- Experiences of grit and flourishing in Finnish comprehensive schools offering long-term support to instrument studies : building a new model of positive music education and grit (2022) Olander, Katri; et al.; A1; OA
- Lapsen itsesäätelytaitojen tukeminen Muksuoppi-intervention avulla (2022) Hautakangas, Merja; E1; OA
- Positiivinen psykologia viestinnän voimavarana (2022) Grénman, Miia; et al.; A3; OA; 978-952-69737-2-2
- The Association between Loneliness, Mental Well-Being, and Self-Esteem among Adolescents in Four Nordic Countries (2021) Lyyra, Nelli; et al.; A1; OA
- Tunnetaitojen harjoittelun avulla hyvinvointia urheiluvalmentajille (2021) Aronen, Aleksis; et al.; D1
- Trait emotional intelligence and its associations with subjective and physiological well-being (2018) Toyama, Hiroyuki; G5; OA