quality assessment
Related publications and other outputs
- Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, Volume 68, Issue 1. Special Issue: University rankings in the Nordic countries : Impacts on policy and practice (2024) Ursin, Jani; et al.; C2
- University rankings in the Nordic countries : impacts on policy and practice (2024) Ursin, Jani; et al.; B1
- Genealogy of the Ethics of Teacher Self-Evaluation : From Adherence to Norms to Self-Discipline through Self-Evaluation (2023) Pitkänen, Hannele; A3; OA; 978-90-04-53660-9
- Research Assessment Exercise 2023 : A Report (2023) Lyytinen, Anne; et al.; D4; OA; 978-951-39-9867-7
- Using ROAD-MAPPING to Gain Insights into Quality Work in English-Medium Master's Programs (2023) Konttinen, Miia; A3; 978-1-003-19385-2
- Fysioterapian suoravastaanoton laadullinen arviointi (2022) Wallin, Marjo; et al.; D1
- Vahvempaa tutkimustietoa sosiaalityön kehittämiseksi : kriittisiä askeleita (2022) Aaltio, Elina; et al.; E1; OA
- OECD : Career guidance for adults in a changing world of work (2021) Vuorinen, Raimo; et al.; D1; OA
- Päivähoidosta varhaiskasvatukseen : pedagogisen toiminnan edellytykset suomalaisessa päivähoidossa ja varhaiskasvatuksessa (2021) Ranta, Samuli; et al.; B1; OA
- A checklist to assess the quality of survey studies in psychology (2020) Protogerou, Cleo; et al.; A1; OA