transkraniaalinen magneettistimulaatio
Liittyvät julkaisut ja muut tuotokset
- Adaptation of corticospinal excitability after short- and long-term motor training (2024) Hu, Nijia; G5; OA; 978-951-39-9941-4
- Spinally targeted paired associated stimulation with high-frequency peripheral component induces spinal level plasticity in healthy subjects (2024) Nätkynmäki, Anna; et al.; A1; OA
- Strength‐trained adults demonstrate greater corticoreticular activation versus untrained controls (2024) Akalu, Yonas; et al.; A1; OA
- Subthreshold TMS induced supraspinal modulation of spinal excitability in children and adolescents (2024) Marttinen Rossi, Essi; et al.; O1
- Corticospinal Adaptation to Short-Term Horizontal Balance Perturbation Training (2023) Hu, Nijia; et al.; A1; OA
- Test-retest reliability of motor-evoked potentials at 20% and 60% of maximum isometric voluntary contraction in rectus femoris muscle (2023) Gomez-Guerrero, Gonzalo; et al.; O1; OA
- Test–retest reliability of cortico-spinal measurements in the rectus femoris at different contraction levels (2023) Gomez-Guerrero, Gonzalo; et al.; A1; OA
- Which direction should I go? : A quest for understanding the effect of TMS stimulus orientation on evoked responses (2023) Souza, Victor; et al.; O1; OA
- Determining the Corticospinal Responses and Cross-Transfer of Ballistic Motor Performance in Young and Older Adults : A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (2022) Woldeamanuel, Gashaw Garedew; et al.; A2
- Identification of Proprioceptive Thalamocortical Tracts in Children : Comparison of fMRI, MEG, and Manual Seeding of Probabilistic Tractography (2022) Jaatela, Julia; et al.; A1; OA