Related publications and other outputs
- Pääkirjoitus (2013) Kokko, Tiina; et al.; D1; OA
- Co-teaching as a context for teachers' professional learning and joint knowledge construction (2012) Rytivaara, Anna; et al.; A1
- Collaborative classroom management in a co-taught primary school classroom (2012) Rytivaara, Anna; A1
- Erityisopettajan työ: opettamista yksin ja yhdessä. (2012) Rytivaara, Anna; et al.; A3
- Towards inclusion: teacher learning in co-teaching (2012) Rytivaara, Anna; G5; OA
- “We Don’t Question Whether We Can Do This”: teacher identity in two co-teachers’ narratives (2012) Rytivaara, Anna; A1
- Flexible Grouping as a Means for Classroom Management in a Heterogeneous Classroom (2011) Rytivaara, Anna; A1
- Frequency of co-teaching in different teacher categories (2010) Saloviita, Timo; et al.; A1
- Samanaikaisopetus - kaksi opettajaa luokassa (2009) Saloviita, Timo; B2