Related publications and other outputs
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- The Cumulative Cyber Deterrence (2022) Turunen, Maija; et al.; A4; OA
- Venäläiset hakkerit kostivat Viron muistomerkkisiirron (2022) Kari, Martti J.; E1
- Actors in Society's Hybrid Information Environment : Grounded Theory Analysis (2020) Mustonen-Ollila, Erja; et al.; A4; 978-1-912764-62-4
- Components of defence strategies in society’s information environment : a case study based on the grounded theory (2020) Mustonen-Ollila, Erja Birgitta; et al.; A1; OA
- Cyber deterrence and Russia’s active cyber defense (2020) Turunen, Maija; et al.; A4; OA; 978-1-912764-62-4
- Hybrid Warfare in Society's Information Environment : An Empirical Analysis Using the Grounded Theory (2020) Mustonen-Ollila, Erja; et al.; A4; 978-1-912764-62-4
- Information Influence in Society’s Information Environment : An Empirical Analysis Using the Grounded Theory (2020) Mustonen-Ollila, Erja; et al.; A1; OA