startup companies
Related publications and other outputs
- Affective capitalism and the (new) entrepreneurial mood : Slush as a field configuring event (2024) Nikunen, Minna; et al.; A1; OA
- Exploring the Finnish Impact Investing Ecosystem : Perspectives on Challenges from Technology Startups (2024) Okker, Timo; et al.; A4; OA; 978-3-031-53227-6
- Product managers in software startups : A grounded theory (2024) Melegati, Jorge; et al.; A1; OA
- Barriers and wellbeing-oriented enablers of intergenerational innovation in the digital age (2023) Nurhas, Irawan; et al.; A2; OA
- Characteristics and Actors of Impact Investing Ecosystem from the Perspective of Technology Startups (2023) Okker, Timo; et al.; A4; OA
- StartCards : A method for early-stage software startups (2023) Kemell, Kai-Kristian; et al.; A1; OA
- Startup-sijoittajat portinvartijoina journalismin kentällä (2023) Hirsto, Heidi; et al.; A1; OA
- An intergenerational competency framework : Competencies for knowledge sustainability and start‐up development in the digital age (2022) Nurhas, Irawan; et al.; A1; OA
- Impact Investing in Information Technology Business (2022) Okker, Timo; A1; OA
- Improving software development in early-stage startups (2022) Kemell, Kai-Kristian; G5; OA; 978-951-39-9133-3