Publications (82466)
Publication type
JYU unit
Fields of science
Follow-up group
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy, Early online,; OA
Adriansen, Hanne Kirstine; Madsen, Lene Møller; Saarinen, Taina; Waters, Johanna
E1 Popularised article, newspaper article
Vallankahva koodissa (2025)
Suur-Jyväskylän lehti, 29.1.2025, 10, ; OA
Moisio, Olli-Pekka
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Polyhedron, 266, 117320,; OA
Makhlouf, Jawher; El Bakri, Youness; Lai, Chin-Hung; Valkonen, Arto; Abuelizz, Hatem A.; Al-Salahi, Rashad; Sta, Wajda Smirani
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Brain Structure and Function, 230 (2), 31,; OA
Li, Ying; Baqapuri, Halim Ibrahim; Keller, Micha; Wolter, Stefan; Zhang, Chi; Cong, Fengyu; Mathiak, Klaus
B1 Non-refereed journal articles
Decoding Angiocrine Signaling : Endothelial Cells as Drivers of Organ Regeneration and Homeostasis (2025)
Bioessays, 47 (2), e202400278,
Kivelä, Riikka
A1 Journal article (refereed)
To Omit or to Include? Integrating the Frugal and Prolific Perspectives on Control Variable Use (2025)
Organizational Research Methods, 28 (1 ), 114-137,; OA
Mändli, Fabian; Rönkkö, Mikko
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Zoonoses and Public Health, Early View,; OA
Sormunen, Jani J.; Kylänpää, Satu; Sippola, Ella; Elo, Riikka; Kiran, Nosheen; Pakanen, Veli‐Matti; Kallio, Eva R.; Vesterinen, Eero J.; Klemola, Tero
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Physical Review Letters, 134, 042501,; OA
Jaries, A.; Stryjczyk, M.; Kankainen, A.; Eronen, T.; Beliuskina, O.; Dickel, T.; Flayol, M.; Ge, Z.; Hukkanen, M.; Mougeot, M.; et al.
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Physical Review Letters, 134, 022502,; OA
Zimba, G. L.; Ruotsalainen, P.; Jenkins, D. G.; Satuła, W.; Uusitalo, J.; Wadsworth, R.; Pereira Lopez, X.; Auranen, K.; Briscoe, A. D.; Cederwall, B.; et al.
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Multiliteracies in the Making : Multidisciplinary Conceptualization (2025)
Journal of Literacy and Technology, 26 (1), 16-41, ; OA
Laapotti, Tomi; Iikkanen, Päivi; Kerttula, Tero; Koistinen, Aino-Kaisa; Martin, Anne; Sormanen, Niina