Publications (82466)
Publication type
JYU unit
Fields of science
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A1 Journal article (refereed)
From a bitter start to meaningful learning in online teacher education (2025)
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, Early online,; OA
Kostiainen, Emma; Nousiainen, Tuula; Näykki, Piia
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Nuclear level density and 𝛾-ray strength function of 67Ni and the impact on the 𝑖 process (2025)
Physical Review C, 111, 015803,; OA
The ISOLDE Collaboration
C2 Edited work
Minority Language Learning for Adult Migrants in Europe (2025)
Simpson, James; Pöyhönen, Sari
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Conformal Composition for Borderline Fractional Sobolev Spaces (2025)
Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 41 (1), 457-471,
Karak, Nijjwal; Koskela, Pekka; Nandi, Debanjan; Sahoo, Swadesh Kumar
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Constructing diffeomorphisms and homeomorphisms with prescribed derivative (2025)
Advances in Mathematics, 460, 110020,; OA
Goldstein, Paweł; Grochulska, Zofia; Hajłasz, Piotr
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Journal of Adolescent Health, 76 (2), 254-264,; OA
Cosma, Alina; Martin, Gina; de Looze, Margreet E.; Walsh, Sophie D.; Paakkari, Leena; Bilz, Ludwig; Gobina, Inese; Page, Nicholas; Hulbert, Sabina; Inchley, Jo; et al.
A2 Review article, Literature review, Systematic review
Electronic structure methods for simulating the applied potential in semiconductor electrochemistry (2025)
Current Opinion in Electrochemistry, 49, 101615,; OA
Moradi, Kayvan; Melander, Marko M.
C2 Edited work
Investigating Medieval Philosophy, 23,
Kaukua, Jari; Lähteenmäki, Vili; Toivanen, Juhana
A1 Journal article (refereed)
When Despair Takes Over : Suicide Conversations in an Online Counseling Chat Service for Youth (2025)
Child & Youth Services, Early online,; OA
Helfer, Alix; Kataja, Kati; Pitkänen, Tuuli
A1 Journal article (refereed)
AI Performer Bias : Listeners Like Music Less When They Think it was Performed by an AI (2025)
Empirical Studies of the Arts, OnlineFirst,; OA
Ansani, Alessandro; Koehler, Friederike; Giombini, Lisa; Hämäläinen, Matias; Meng, Chen; Marini, Marco; Saarikallio, Suvi