Publications (82245)
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JYU unit
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A1 Journal article (refereed)
Physiological Genomics, Early online,
Plaza-Florido, Abel; Anguita-Ruiz, Augusto; Esteban, Francisco J.; Aguilera, Concepción M.; Labayen, Idoia; Reitzner, Stefan Markus; Sundberg, Carl Johan; Radom-Aizik, Shlomit; Ortega, Francisco B.; Altmäe, Signe
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, Ahead of Print,
Eather, Narelle; McLachlan, Emily; Leahy, Angus; Sylvester, Benjamin; Lubans, David
C2 Edited work; OA
Halonen, Maija; Albrecht, Moritz; Kuhmonen, Irene
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Reduction of forest soil biota impacts tree performance but not greenhouse gas fluxes (2025)
Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 200, 109643,; OA
Georgopoulos, Konstantinos; Bezemer, T. Martijn; Christiansen, Jesper Riis; Larsen, Klaus Steenberg; Moerman, Gina; Vermeulen, Roos; Anslan, Sten; Tedersoo, Leho; Gomes, Sofia IF.
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Physical Review Letters, 134, 022502,
Zimba, G. L.; Ruotsalainen, P.; Jenkins, D. G.; Satuła, W.; Uusitalo, J.; Wadsworth, R.; Pereira Lopez, X.; Auranen, K.; Briscoe, A. D.; Cederwall, B.; et al.
A1 Journal article (refereed)
(2+1)-dimensional discrete exterior discretization of a general wave model in Minkowski spacetime (2025)
Results in Applied Mathematics, 25, 100528,; OA
Mönkölä, Sanna; Räbinä, Jukka; Saksa, Tytti; Rossi, Tuomo
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, Ahead of Print,
Saarinen, Milla; Phipps, Daniel J.; Jordalen, Gro; Bjørndal, Christian Thue
A1 Journal article (refereed)
IEEE Transactions on Communications, Early Access,
Liu, Jingyuan; Chang, Zheng; Ye, Chaoxiong; Mumtaz, Shahid; Hämäläinen, Timo
A1 Journal article (refereed)
International Journal of Nursing Studies, Early online, 104996,
Turunen, Jarno; Karhula, Kati; Ropponen, Annina; Shiri, Rahman; Hämäläinen, Kari; Ervasti, Jenni; Koskinen, Aki; Haavisto, Olli; Sallinen, Mikael; Pehkonen, Jaakko; et al.
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 171, 104963,; OA
Wang, Yueyang; Srinivasan, Aravinda Ramakrishnan; Jokinen, Jussi P.P.; Oulasvirta, Antti; Markkula, Gustav