Publications (82471)
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JYU unit
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A1 Journal article (refereed)
Pure and Applied Analysis, 7 (1), 65-100,; OA
Krupchyk, Katya; Ma, Shiqi; Sahoo, Suman Kumar; Salo, Mikko; St-Amant, Simon
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Systematic mapping study on requirements engineering for regulatory compliance of software systems (2025)
Information and Software Technology, 178, 107622,
Kosenkov, Oleksandr; Elahidoost, Parisa; Gorschek, Tony; Fischbach, Jannik; Mendez, Daniel; Unterkalmsteiner, Michael; Fucci, Davide; Mohanani, Rahul
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Zoonoses and Public Health, Early View,; OA
Sormunen, Jani J.; Kylänpää, Satu; Sippola, Ella; Elo, Riikka; Kiran, Nosheen; Pakanen, Veli‐Matti; Kallio, Eva R.; Vesterinen, Eero J.; Klemola, Tero
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Journal of Experimental Biology, 228 (2), jeb247972,; OA
Davies, Lucy Rebecca; Kristensen, Torsten N.; Sørensen, Jesper G.; Loeschcke, Volker; Schou, Mads F.
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Production and transfer of essential fatty acids in a man‐made tropical lake ecosystem (2025)
Limnology and Oceanography, Early online,
Taipale, Sami Johan; Rigaud, Cyril; Calderini, Marco Lucas; Asikainen, Harri; Litmanen, Jaakko Juhani; Vesamäki, Jussi Severi; Ndebele‐Murisa, Mzime Regina; Nhiwatiwa, Tamuka
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Health Policy and Technology, 14 (1), 100967,; OA
Sorić, Maroje; Morrison, Shawnda A.; Ortega, Francisco B.; Carraro, Attilio; Csányi, Tamás; Leskošek, Bojan; Mäestu, Jarek; Radisavljević-Janić, Snežana; Sardinha, Luís B.; Scheuer, Claude; et al.
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Työväen Urheiluliiton periaateohjelmat ja strategia-asiakirjat työläisurheilua paikantamassa (2025)
Työväentutkimus, 38, 28-46,; OA
Itkonen, Hannu
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Point out the mistakes : An HMM-based anomaly detection algorithm for sleep stage classification (2025)
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 99, 106805,
Wang, Ziyi; Liu, Hang; Cai, Yukai; Li, Hongjin; Yang, Chuanshuai; Zhang, Xinlei; Cong, Fengyu
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Between essence and diversity : Challenges for phenomenological Autism research (2025)
Theory and Psychology, OnlineFirst,
Hughes, Emily; Ekdahl, David; Boldsen, Sofie
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Temperature Dependence of Heavy Ion Induced Leakage Current in SiC Power MOSFETs (2025)
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Early online,; OA
Niskanen, K.; Martinella, C.; Sengupta, A.; Harris, P. M.; Witulski, A. F.; Kettunen, H.; Javanainen, A.