Publications (82555)
Publication type
JYU unit
Fields of science
Follow-up group
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Survey of interactive evolutionary decomposition-based multiobjective optimization methods (2025)
Evolutionary Computation, Early online,
Lárraga, Giomara; Miettinen, Kaisa
A1 Journal article (refereed)
From a bitter start to meaningful learning in online teacher education (2025)
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, Early online,; OA
Kostiainen, Emma; Nousiainen, Tuula; Näykki, Piia
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Nature Communications, 16, 1197,; OA
Yadav, Vivek; Jana, Arijit; Acharya, Swetashree; Malola, Sami; Nagar, Harshita; Sharma, Ankit; Kini, Amoghavarsha Ramachandra; Antharjanam, Sudhadevi; Machacek, Jan; Adarsh Kumaran, Nair Valsala Devi; et al.
G5 Doctoral dissertation (article)
JYU Dissertations, 883, ; OA
Aulén, Anna-Mari
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Alcohol and Alcoholism, 60 (1), agae089,; OA
Hautamäki, Sari; Savolainen, Iina; Kauppila, Emmi; Sirola, Anu; Oksanen, Atte
D1 Article in a trade journal
Vanhempien ja valmentajan tuki tärkeää nuorten seuraosallistumisen jatkumiselle (2025)
Liikunta ja tiede, 62 (1), 60-63, ; OA
Rinta-Antila, Katja
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Evidence for shape transitions near 189W through direct mass measurements (2025)
Physical Review C, 111, 014322,; OA
Mukai, M.; Hirayama, Y.; Schury, P.; Watanabe, Y. X.; Hashimoto, T.; Hinohara, N.; Jeong, S. C.; Miyatake, H.; Moon J., Y.; Niwase, T.; et al.
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Perceptions of inclusion among lower secondary level students in Finland (2025)
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 69 (1), 164-178,; OA
Kyttälä, Minna; Sinkkonen, Hanna-Maija; Harju-Autti, Raisa
A1 Journal article (refereed)
Redox‐Active Bisphosphonate‐Based Viologens as Negolytes for Aqueous Organic Flow Batteries (2025)
Chemistry : A European Journal, Early online, e202404122,
Gonzalez, Gabriel; Nechaev, Anton; Peshkov, Vsevolod A.; Martínez-González, Eduardo; Belyaev, Andrey; Hamza, Andrea; Shahsavan, Mahsa; Pihko, Petri M.; Peljo, Pekka
D1 Article in a trade journal
Tarvitseeko käydä suihkussa, jos ei tullut edes hiki? (2025)
Liikunta ja tiede, 62 (1), 9,
Hautala, Arto